Dashboard FAQs

Learn more about using the Finix Dashboard.

Are payment statuses for merchants including payouts, disputes, failed payments, and refunds available to see within the dashboard?

Yes, the Flex Client can view all of the activity going on with their merchants in the dashboard.

More information about the dashboard can be found in Finix Dashboard.

Can Flex Clients edit merchant information in the dashboard (e.g., Company name, phone number, address, EIN, etc.)?

Merchant information can be edited in the dashboard, however, note that the updated information needs to be submitted again for verification to the Finix underwriting team.

Are specific details on each payment made (e.g., payment type, last four digits of the card, name on card, etc.) visible in the dashboard?

Yes, this is available by looking in the Transfers tab and clicking into the transfer you want to review further.

You may also look under the Payment Instruments tab and add filters.

Are specific details on each payout, including which customer payments were included and when the payout was made available, visible in the dashboard?

Yes. These details are available by clicking on the Settlement (payout) and viewing the Entries tab.

Do you have a testing environment for the dashboard?

Finix provides a sandbox environment that Flex Clients can connect to their internal non-production environment for QA, testing, etc.

More information about getting a sandbox environment can be found in Getting Started.

What type of user permissions are there on the Finix dashboard?

With a variety of configurable profiles to choose from, you can seamlessly manage what team members have access to your system and their specific permissions, as well as create new custom roles tailored to your unique user requirements. You can learn more about the roles here.